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Lockdown Ideas

Article writen by: Super User
16 November 2020

Bored in your student accommodation room? If you've pretty much completed all of Netflix and the idea of spending another day on the bed looking at memes is too much to bear, it's time to change up your routine and get those creative juices flowing.

Instagram baking class

Bead Ahead bakery school and shop in Borough Marker are doing free online tutorials via their Instagram page, whether you fancy learning how to make doughnuts, brownies or bread they have it all.

Go to the zoo without leaving the house

You can view the live webcams at Edinburgh Zoo on their website. You can see pandas, penguins, tigers and koala bears. There are lots of fun facts about the animals on the website too.

Learn a new language

Why not use your time at the accommodation to learn Gaelic? Then why not do it from the comfort of your room?

Listen to a podcast

Watched everything on Netflix? Cannot concentrate on a book? Then why not get lost in a podcast. Pop your earphones in and get transported from your room to somewhere more interesting without even getting off the bed.

Check out beautiful tourist destinations

Usually their places would be filled with crowed and you’d have to queue to see them but in these times, they are all looking pretty different. Always wants to see Prague, Venice or Roma? Then why not check them out on the live webcam.