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Decking the Halls: Embracing Christmas Cheer in Student Beehive's Loughborough Accommodations

Article writen by: Abby
05 November 2023

With the festive season's approach, the vibrant town of Loughborough begins to sparkle with the merriment of Christmas, and nowhere is this more palpable than within the cosy confines of Student Beehive's private accommodations. For Loughborough University students, this time of year is not just about celebrating age-old traditions; it's about creating new ones in their home away from home.

Making Loughborough student accommodation the Heart of Holiday Spirit

In Student Beehive accommodations, the Christmas period is more than a mere festive interval; it's a chapter of cherished memories in the making. These private dwellings are transformed into a yuletide sanctuary where students find a sense of belonging far from their familial homes.

Loughborough student in student room with present

Seasonal Workshops in Student Quarters

With ample common areas, Student Beehive is an ideal location for hosting seasonal workshops. Here, students can gather to learn how to make wreaths from fresh evergreens collected around Loughborough or construct gingerbread edifices that rival the sturdiest student-built structures. These workshops are not just about learning a new skill; they are a tapestry of conversations, laughter, and the joy of creating something beautiful together.

Festive Fitness and Wellbeing

Even during the cold months, Student Beehive prioritizes student wellbeing with activities like 'Santa Runs' or 'Reindeer Yoga sessions in their fitness centres. These events inject a dose of healthful fun into the season of indulgence and are a great way for students to stay active and mingle.

Christmas at Student Beehive Loughborough

The Gift of Music and Performance

Nothing heralds the Christmas spirit quite like music. Our Student accommodation could become the stage for impromptu jam sessions or planned performances. Whether it's a classical piece echoing through the halls or a contemporary carol humming in harmony, these moments become the soundtrack of the season for everyone calling Student Beehive home.

Culinary Celebrations

Christmas is also a feast for the senses, and the kitchens at Student Beehive turn into bustling hubs of culinary delight. Here, baking sessions fill the air with the scent of spiced cookies and mulled cider. Students can swap recipes and create a Christmas cookbook that reflects the diverse palates of their community.

Student Life: Reflection and Respite

Beyond the cheer and festivities, the end of the year is a time for reflection. Student Beehive accommodations offer a peaceful retreat for those who wish to study for January exams or simply take a moment to unwind. The blend of communal vibrancy and private tranquillity ensures that every student can enjoy the season in their own way with an array of accommodation options.

Love and care at student beehive Loughborough

Farewell to the Year

As the countdown to the New Year begins, Student Beehive loughborough campus doesn’t miss a beat. New Year’s Eve can be marked with a communal celebration, gathering everyone for a countdown in the common room, complete with sparklers and resolutions shared over cups of warm cocoa or a toast of champagne. We even offer undergraduate accommodation.

Creating a Festive Oasis in Student Beehive Accommodations

  1. Personal Touch of Festivity: Our Loughborough university student accommodation offers the perfect canvas for students to express their festive creativity. With more personal space, residents can set up their own Christmas trees or create window displays that reflect their cultural heritage and personal style.
  2. Community Decor Challenges: Organizing decoration competitions within Student Beehive complexes can be a thrilling way to foster community spirit. With categories like 'Best-Dressed Door' or 'Most Innovative Use of Lights,' students can showcase their holiday spirit and craftsmanship.
  3. Sustainable and Bright: Emphasizing sustainability, Student Beehive accommodations can be decked out in eco-friendly decorations. LED lights, recycled materials for DIY decorations, and live plants bring the spirit of an eco-conscious Christmas to the forefront.

Campus Events with a Twist of Home Comfort at Loughborough uni

  1. Lighting up Student Beehive: Kicking off the season with a switch-on event within the accommodation grounds ignites the festive atmosphere. Picture a student-led ceremony with hot cocoa, mince pies, and the warmth of communal cheer.
  2. Beehive Winter Markets: Imagine an exclusive winter market hosted in the common areas of Student Beehive accommodations. Local artisans could be invited to set up stalls, allowing students to shop for gifts and decorations without braving the cold.
  3. Candlelit Melodies at Home: The comfort of our houses for students, plush common rooms can be the ideal setting for a cosy, informal carol evening, with students gathered around a piano or digital fireplace, sharing songs from around the world.

Christmas Outreach: The Student Beehive Way

  1. Gifts That Give Back: Student Beehive accommodations could partner with local charities to host gift-wrapping sessions or a Christmas hamper assembly line in communal spaces, turning goodwill into great times.
  2. Celebrating Diversity: A Christmas cultural exchange event could become a highlight within Student Beehive's walls, where students from various backgrounds share their seasonal traditions, stories, and cuisine.

A Tapestry of Traditions: Student Stories

  1. Global Potluck: In the spacious kitchens of our Loughborough accommodations, students could host a global Christmas potluck, bringing flavours from around the world to Loughborough’s diverse palate.
  2. Secret Santa with a Twist: Utilizing the communal lounges, students can engage in a Secret Santa event that might include crafting homemade gifts, adding a personal touch to the exchange.
  3. Holiday Movie Nights: Student Beehive's common areas are perfect for hosting Christmas movie marathons. The large screen, comfortable seating, and shared laughter create an instant recipe for festive fun.

Loughborough student in the city enjoying christmas

As Loughborough University's term draws close, Student Beehive accommodations, homes for students stand ready to embrace the festive season. These residences offer more than just a place to stay; they provide a community where the joy of Christmas can be shared and amplified. From the twinkling lights on balconies to the aroma of international cuisines mingling in the corridors, Student Beehive becomes a beacon of holiday spirit.

In this special season, every corner of Student Beehive has the potential to become a nook of nostalgia, a cradle of community, and a bastion of belonging. As students in Loughborough deck their halls with boughs of holly, they are not just celebrating the end of the year. They are creating a home for the holidays, where Christmas is observed and actively lived and loved. Contact our student accommodation specialists for more information.

How do I make my uni room Christmassy?

Student Beehive encourages students to bring the festive spirit into their accommodations. Students can decorate their rooms, doors, or shared spaces with approval from the accommodation management to ensure safety and respect for all residents. They provide a set of guidelines for decorations to ensure that everything is fire-safe and secure. Students are welcome to express their holiday spirit through decor, as long as it doesn't damage the property or cause inconvenience to others.

Are there any organized events for Loughborough University students in Student Beehive accommodations during the Christmas season?

Absolutely! Student Beehive typically organizes a variety of festive events for residents during the Christmas season. These range from decoration competitions to Christmas markets, workshops, and social gatherings. The events are designed to foster community spirit and celebrate the diversity of traditions among students. The specifics of these events are usually announced closer to December, so students are encouraged to keep an eye on notice boards and social media for updates.

How do you celebrate Christmas at uni?
Celebrating Christmas at uni in Loughborough brings its own unique charm. At Loughborough University, the festive spirit is vibrant across campus and within student accommodations. Students can participate in a plethora of activities such as decorating halls of residence, joining in on university-organized events, and engaging with local community celebrations. Loughborough student accommodations, particularly those managed by Student Beehive, often host workshops, seasonal festivities, and communal dinners, where students from various backgrounds share their holiday customs, making it a diverse and inclusive celebration. Whether you're in undergraduate halls or a seasoned resident in a Student Beehive home, there's an array of options to ensure your Christmas is merry and bright.
What support is available for Loughborough University students staying in accommodation over the Christmas break?
Understanding that some students may stay over during the break, Student Beehive ensures that support staff are available for any needs that may arise. Security and maintenance continue throughout the holiday period, ensuring student safety and comfort. Additionally, special events and support services are often provided to create a sense of community and prevent isolation during the festive season when some may be far from home..
Can you stay at uni during Christmas?

Absolutely, students can stay in their university accommodation during the Christmas period. At Loughborough University, many student accommodations, including those provided by Student Beehive, remain open over the holidays to ensure students have a safe and comfortable place to stay. Whether you're in halls of residence, a Loughborough campus room, or private housing, you’ll have access to your accommodation throughout the festive season. For those staying over, the university and accommodation services often organize events and support to foster a warm, communal atmosphere, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to enjoy the festive period even while away from family.