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Study Strategies: How to Excel in Your First Year and Beyond at Leicester University

Article writen by: Abby
24 August 2023

Hey, fellow scholars! If you're reading this, then you're probably new to Leicester, right? Maybe even fresh off the boat? Well, let me help you navigate the waters of university life. My name's Abby and I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that have helped me sail smoothly at Leicester University. Anchoring at the Student Beehive Regent Road Studio flat has been my secret weapon, and I'm about to share why.

Student Life: From Fresher to Scholar in No Time

Being a student is more than just late nights and cheap noodles. It's about building connections, growing intellectually, and creating unforgettable memories. And speaking of growth, let's talk about how I aced my first year with some epic study strategies.

  • University 101: Consistency is Key.
    • Yes, you might have breezed through your A-levels, but university is a different beast. Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Group Study Sessions: Two (or More) Brains are Better Than One.
    • Organize group study sessions in common rooms or at the amazing study spaces that Student Beehive provides.
  • Use Digital Tools.
    • Apps, websites, online lectures… use them all. They're especially useful if you've missed a lecture or two.

Student Accommodation: A Key to Academic Success

Believe it or not, your accommodation plays a huge role in how successful you'll be in your academic journey. Here’s why staying at Student Beehive is the best decision you'll make:

  • Studio Rooms - Perfect for when you need to be in your zone. They're quiet, spacious, and have all the facilities you need.
  • Desk Areas in Each Room - No need to cram on your bed or the floor. Proper desks help you stay organized and motivated.
  • Great Study Spaces - Collaborative and quiet zones that cater to every type of student.

Students and Study Spaces: The Perfect Duo

Did you know that Student Beehive offers fantastic communal areas? These spaces are excellent for group projects or when you just want a change of scenery. They're designed to boost productivity, making it easier for students to focus on their work.

Halls and Community: Bond Over Brainpower

The halls of Student Beehive are more than just a place to rest your head. They're where friendships are formed, ideas are shared, and memories are made. Some of my best study sessions have happened right here, with fellow students I met in the halls.

Leicester student in the library

Leicester Student Hacks: Using University Resources

Both Leicester University and De Montfort University offer their students countless resources. These include:

  • Libraries that stock every book you'll need.
  • Online portals with previous exam papers and study materials.
  • Active student unions: Leicester University Union and De Montfort Union. These unions provide academic support, workshops, and seminars that can aid in your studies.

Accommodation in Leicester: Why Location Matters

Being close to the university and city centre is essential. Less commute time means more study (or fun) time! Plus, it's incredibly convenient when you have early morning lectures. Student Beehive's central location is unbeatable, offering quick access to everything Leicester has to offer.

The University Experience: More Than Just Books

Whether you're at Leicester University or De Montfort University, get involved. Join clubs, attend workshops, and engage in seminars. But also take the time to enjoy the city centre, explore Leicester's rich history, and soak in the student atmosphere.

Leicester Student in accommodation at Student Beehive

Student Halls: More Than Just a Place to Sleep

Your halls are where you'll spend a significant amount of time. Making them study-friendly is crucial. Use wall organizers, have a study playlist, and ensure your space is conducive to both relaxation and concentration.

Student Life and Beyond: Preparing for the Future

While acing your courses is essential, also think about life post-university. Network, attend universities open days, and use all the resources available to you. Build a portfolio, seek internships, and make the most of your student life in Leicester.

Leicester might be a city, but for students, it's a world filled with endless possibilities. As you embark on this journey, remember to study smart, take breaks, and, most importantly, enjoy the ride! And hey, if you see a fellow scholar waving from the Student Beehive Regent Road Studio flat window, give me a shout-out!

How do you excel in University?
To excel in university, it's not just about hitting the books hard, but it's also about leveraging the environment around you. As I've found during my time at Leicester University, choosing the right accommodation, like the Student Beehive Regent Road Studio flat, has been pivotal to my academic achievements. A conducive study environment, with amenities like dedicated desk areas and collaborative study spaces, boosts productivity and focus. Moreover, immersing oneself in the university experience—by getting involved in activities, using university resources, and networking with peers—provides a well-rounded foundation. Remember, the key to thriving is a blend of consistent study habits, a supportive environment, and active participation in university life.
What are the best courses at Leicester University?
Leicester University, renowned for its diverse range of courses, has several that stand out in terms of global recognition and student feedback. Among these, its courses in Archaeology and Ancient History have garnered acclaim, especially after the discovery of King Richard III's remains in a Leicester car park! Additionally, the university's Space Research Centre is renowned worldwide, making its courses in Astronomy and Space Science top-tier. Leicester's School of Business and the Law department are also notable, often earning spots in leading global rankings. However, the 'best' course is subjective and depends on individual passion and career goals. To navigate this, I found attending the university's open days and engaging with the Leicester University Union to be invaluable in understanding course specifics and future prospects.
How many hours a day should I study?
Finding the optimal number of study hours can be a game-changer for university success. On average, many experts recommend a rule of two: study two hours for every one hour of class time. For a full-time student with a 15-hour course load, this translates to roughly 30 hours of study time weekly or 4-6 hours daily. However, at places like Leicester University, where rigorous courses and abundant extracurriculars beckon, it's essential to personalize this metric. Pay attention to how you feel during study sessions. If you're regularly drained after just three hours, consider breaking your study time into shorter, more focused blocks.

Remember, it's not just about quantity but also the quality of your study hours. As I've mentioned in the previous article, balancing study hours with breaks, especially in serene spots like the study spaces at Student Beehive, can lead to better retention and understanding. Always prioritize understanding over rote learning and adapt based on the demands of specific subjects or assignments.
Is Leicester a good place to study?

Leicester is a vibrant city that offers a perfect blend of rich history, modern amenities, and a lively student community. As one of the UK's oldest cities, it boasts historical landmarks juxtaposed with contemporary infrastructures. Leicester University, situated in this bustling city, provides world-class education and state-of-the-art facilities. Moreover, the local culture is immensely diverse, exposing students to a global perspective, crucial in today's interconnected world. Beyond the confines of academic institutions, Leicester offers an array of recreational activities, from cultural festivals to food markets, ensuring there's always something happening. Staying at places like the Student Beehive not only provides comfortable student accommodations but also nurtures a supportive community, enhancing the overall university experience. With ample study spaces, modern studio rooms, and desk areas for focused work, it's a haven for students.

Furthermore, the proximity of institutions like Leicester University Union and De Montfort Union, with their range of student services and activities, makes Leicester a holistic place to study, live, and grow.

Why do students choose Leicester University?

Students gravitate towards Leicester University for various compelling reasons. It's renowned for its high academic standards, diverse courses, and cutting-edge research facilities. The cosmopolitan atmosphere of Leicester city complements the university's vibrant student community, promoting a mix of cultures and experiences. Additionally, institutions such as the Leicester University Union provide ample opportunities for extracurricular activities, personal growth, and skill development. Beyond academics, the city's rich historical background, combined with its modern amenities, creates a well-rounded student experience. With student accommodations like Student Beehive offering modern amenities and a thriving student community, it's no wonder Leicester University stands out as a top choice for many.