Studying for exams when staying in Leicester student accommodation and Loughborough accommodation

![]() | Article writen by: Brenda | 08 February 2021 |
Whether you're staying in Leicester student accommodation or Loughborough accommodation, revising for exams has never been easy. More and more students are struggling right now when it comes to revising for exams or studying in general. Check out our tops tips to get your head in the game when revising at home...
Tip #1 Revise how you normally would – sounds crazy right?
Revising as you normally would for exams is the key, make a revision timetable and start going over your modules. Revise each topic one by one and do not try to learn bits as you go along. Bookmark helpful websites or videos. Reach out to your tutor and even other students if you are struggling with revision. Whatever way you usually revise, stick to it.
Tip #2 Active revision
Make your revision as enjoyable as possible, some students find working with friends really helps them focus and get their head in the game. Set up weekly calls or even daily calls with friends to go over your revision, discuss topics you are struggling with, as some of your peers may have the answers you are looking for. There are many other techniques you can try when it comes to active revision such as; making mind maps, turning your wall into a post-it note collage or even colour coding revision cards with your favourite colours.
Tip #3 Get organised
We recommend starting the exam as soon as it is made available online, so you want to be fully organised in advance. To help you do this, it’s crucial that you create a system for organising your notes on specific subjects. If you have one topic or subject that you struggle with, you will want to have more detailed notes to hand preferably right in front of you.
Tip #4 The day before
Make sure you get plenty of rest the night of your exams, especially with exams being online. It can be hard to fall asleep prior to exam day, so here are some helpful things we would suggest doing to keep your mind as clear as it can be before the big day.
1.Grab yourself a breakfast that will fuel your morning
2. Review your study notes and make any additions or amendments needed
3.Go over each topic
4.Don’t study too late
5.Eat healthy meals
6.Prepare your to do list with any last-minute morning revision
7.Go outside and get some fresh air
8.Take a well-deserved break and have some you time
9.Set an alarm(s)
Tip #5: Exam day!
Get yourself ready, you have got this in the bag.
Your exam may be set at a specific time, so make sure you are ready at least 1 hour before.
You can make sure you are fully prepared by
- Ensuring you have somewhere quiet to work, where you won’t be disturbed
- Checking you have the technology you need, for example – laptop charger, WIFI
- Having access to all the material you need. We would also suggest a clock to ensure you are keeping on track
- Ensuring you fully understand the format of the exam, how you are being asked to submit answers and have done any trial runs that have been made available to you
Remember you will not have long between being sent the exam and being expected to submit, usually this is a 23-hour period. So, we would strongly suggest spending normal exam duration and starting your exam as soon as you receive it.
All that is left is for you to take the exam, we wish you all the luck in the world and BEElieve in yourself!